29 August 2008

dawn of a new age.

tough. very tough.
that you have to be when you are one of the new age kids.

new age kids defined as; kids with a dysfunctional family and/or very quarrelsome parents(that you have no effing idea why they got married in the first place).

my sister complains that she's lonely.
yes, that's tough too, because you literally feel like you have NO family. and people around her are like in a rat race that never stops. so friends or no friends, nobody takes care of her.

but like the coin that Scarface (of the Batman Series) always flips...
life has two sides.
the squeaky clean and the scarred.

i have the family that takes care of you physically.
but scars you emotionally.

what cheesy crap.

what i hate most is...
i seem to cannot do anything to make it better
and i also obviously help make it worse.

reading what i just typed...
it looks like a fifteen year old was going through a tough time at home.
but, wait,
i turned twenty three today.

and this story is like a broken record that keeps on playing day after day after day...

it has been 8 years since i first cared.
it has been 8 years since i first understood.

how many more years will it take before all these disappears?


the parental unit never did choose the right time or place or manner to quarrel.
they just do.
whenever, wherever, however.
human emotions at war.
blah blah blah~ *crash!*

at the dawn of my 23rd year.
they made me realize...
how much i do NOT want to get married.

at the dawn of my 23rd year.
i feel like a 15 year old.


  1. LOL I'd think of New Age as well, you know, into the esoteric & metaphysical & all that. But yeah, I've lived a truly dysfunctional life, too.

  2. hehehe..
    but it just came to me, how kids and young adults are now products of a new type of family mushrooming around the globe.^^ some are not products of good families super glued to each other..hence; "new age".^^
