02 September 2008

thy little despididas

i'm leaving this weekend.

so i decided that i should go see all the people that i considered my 'friends'.
today, i was with some of my elementary friends.
yep, elementary.

it was a simple get together at a friend's house, i simply brought a lot of snacks.^^
we talked a bit, and did what everyone i know just seems to like to do in gatherings like this~videoke.

i simply don't know WHY almost everyone i know worships magic sing. i myself like singing to tunes once in a while, but do magic sing for hours? ugh. but that's not the point of this entry.

the point of this entry is,
i haven't seen this people for years. it's my fault really, i got too busy doing other stuff and just never had time or never used my resources to atleast let them know that i DO think of them from time to time, and that i DO miss them.
i don't know their lives anymore.

but a few days ago, i called and texted them if we can go see each other.
it's mean that i just went to see them and want to because i'm leaving...but to make a long story short, a quarrel came up years ago, and it just turned me off. so...i just never communicated again. now, i regret doing that.

i know they were mad because it seemed that i forgot about them.
but when i asked them to come see each other, they had no second thoughts in doing so.
when i was with them, i realized how much i MISSED these people.
and now that i'm off to another continent.....
it's harder to get closer to them now.

lost time.

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