04 September 2008

beep beep

i have this love-hate relationship with Philippine public transportation.
who wouldn't love being able to get anywhere at anytime you want without having to own your own car or better yet, without knowing how to drive, right?

oh but i hateHateHATE everything else!!!

on drivers:

i hate how some drivers get so dem reckless.

i hate how some drivers make the whole stretch of the road as a 'terminal'; they friggin stop at EVERY person they see standing at the side of the road. EVERY ONE! the motion that you do to make them stop for you? it doesn't really matter anymore. because even if you don't do that, almost all the PUV that will go by you WOULD stop.

i hate how some drivers go oh so slowly, so that they can spot the people standing at the side of the road and stop at every one of them.

i hate how some drivers get bills changed in the MIDDLE of the road.


on the other side, i do know why they are like circling vultures out on the road.
there are simply too many of them and each and every one needs to make a living.

so if you're like me who hates all these in a driver, get your ass out an hour earlier that the expected time of travel.

on roads:

bumpity-bumpity-BUMP!!! cracks and pot holes. and on some subdivisions~ a whole lot of humps.

one word~traffic.

on traffic officers:

i hate the "one way" scheme by the way. like WTF? you're just creating traffic on 1 side then let the other side flow freely then vice versa. if you just let it be, then we'd all be getting a move on!

oh you darn vulture around for people to get money from. grow up and do your job!


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